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"Jasna Džunuzović"
Investigation of sorption behavior of Cu(II) and Pb(II) onto a novеl EDTA modified copolymer (2021-09)
T. Tadić, B. Marković, I. Stefanović, J. Džunuzović, Z. Sandić, LJ. Suručić, A. Onjia, Investigation of sorption behavior of Cu(II) and Pb(II) onto a novеl EDTA modified copolymer, Proceedings - 15th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry 2021, pp. 505 - 508, Sep, 2021 -
Synthesis and characterization of EDTA functionalized macroporous glycidyl methacrylate based copolymer (2021-09)
Б. Марковић, Т. Тадић, И. Стефановић, D. Jasna, LJ. Suručić, Z. Sandić, A. Nastasović, Synthesis and characterization of EDTA functionalized macroporous glycidyl methacrylate based copolymer, Proceedings - 15th International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Aspects of Physical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry 2021, September 20-24, 2021, Belgrade, Serbia, 2021, 2, 497-500, pp. 497 - 500, Sep, 2021 -
Kinetics and thermodynamics of Mo(VI) and Re(VII) sorption on amino-functionalized magnetic polymer (2018)
B. Marković, I. Stefanović, J. DŽunuzović, Z. Sandić, LJ. Suručić, A. Onjia, A. Nastasović, Kinetics and thermodynamics of Mo(VI) and Re(VII) sorption on amino-functionalized magnetic polymer, Proceedings Vol. II, pp. 753 - 756, 2018 -
Silver(I) adsorption on magnetic macroporous chelating polymer (2018)
B. Marković, Z. Sandić, I. Stefanović, J. DŽunuzović, A. Onjia, A. Nastasović, Silver(I) adsorption on magnetic macroporous chelating polymer, Book of abstracts, 2018 -
Novel amino-functionalized magnetic polymer /bentonite composite for chromium removal from aqueous solutions (2019)
Z. Sandić, B. Marković, D. Mihajlović, I. Miljanović, I. Stefanović, J. DŽunuzović, A. Nastasović, Novel amino-functionalized magnetic polymer /bentonite composite for chromium removal from aqueous solutions, Programme and Book of Abstracts, 2019 -
Synthesis and characterization of EDTA functionalized macroporous glycidyl methacrylate based copolymer (2021)
B. Marković, T. Tadić, I. Stefanović, J. DŽunuzović, LJ. Suručić, Z. Sandić, A. Nastasović, Synthesis and characterization of EDTA functionalized macroporous glycidyl methacrylate based copolymer, Proceedings in Press., 2021 -
Investigation of sorption behaviour of Cu(II) and Pb(II) onto a novel edta modified copolymer (2021)
T. Tadić, B. Marković, I. Stefanović, J. DŽunuzović, Z. Sandić, LJ. Suručić, A. Nastasović, Investigation of sorption behaviour of Cu(II) and Pb(II) onto a novel edta modified copolymer, Proceedings in Press., 2021 -
Novel magnetic polymer/bentonite composite: characterization and application for Re(VII) and W(VI) adsorption (2021)
Б. Марковић, И. Стефановић, А. Настасовић, Z. Sandić, Љ. Суручић, А. Дапчевић, Ј. Џунузовић, З. Јагличић, З. Вуковић, В. Павловић, А. Онјиа, Novel magnetic polymer/bentonite composite: characterization and application for Re(VII) and W(VI) adsorption, Science of Sintering, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 1 - 10, 2021